What is a reality trip? Well I reality trip is when people from one country go to other countries to find out what they do as their technology and what types of jobs do they have for us. Their names are “Stephanie, Stevie, Peter, Kieran, and Ana”. Way before they even met each other when they were doing their usual old boring jobs.
So once they all came together they traveled to “Philippines” which took them over 15 hours to get their from “New Zealand” in Manila. The very first thing they did after heading off to the motel/hotel in the morning they started of the day by experiencing the jobs that the “Filipino people do in the Philippines”.
The things that they were focusing on to do once they met the boss is creating “Coil” to make hy-drives. And this one of the thing that they have just found out which was that most of them had no idea that “the Filipinos make the hy drives”. Did you know that they have to make over 15 thousand units a day so that’s particularly 300 units in 1 hour and 1 every made every second?
They experienced that Esa the helper that works at the job where they create hy-drives for everyone around the globe. Showed them step by step how to make hy-drives with 2 little items stacked together, which is called “coils”. And what they do with the hy-drives is put them in computers, laptops, phones, i pods, tablets, TV's, and all those other cool technology equipment.
I will tell you about one person that is in this group that I know more about and not much about all the other people in this touring group! And her name is “Stephanie”. Stephanie loves her family, make up, dressing clothes, handbags, and other things that have to do all about her life. Did you know that Stephanie bought a $1000.00 painting as soon as she got out of the plane. And then she started going out to the supermarkets to buy clothing, sweatshirts, t-shirts, and dresses which cost over $400.00. And she gets paid $2000.00 every 9 months. So to be honest they're not really on a budget.
What was the most shocking thing that I have found out about this short film that we have been focusing on this afternoon. Which is that "Stephanie" gets paid $2000.00 every 9 mounts, and that people in "Philippine" don't have machines to do their work for them they have to do it by hand which is quite devastating and sad. And to be honest for me that isn't being financially responsible, if I was her I would rather save up all my money. I learnt that I have to be more rely able and respectful with my money, treat people that work there buts off fare and they way I would want to be treated, and the last thing is that going on tour is a nice thing to do especially in a group of people that you know that cares for you.