
Monday 8 June 2015

Writing an Explanation - Why is it important to wash our hands

So for our writing task today we are focusing on writing an explanation about “why is it important to wash our hands. The reason why I have chosen to write about this, is because their is a lot of reasons why people all around the world should wash their hands. The main reason why people should wash their hands is because if they don’t then people around them will catch it and it won’t be nice. So this little thing may sound like it doesn't really matter but it does okay, and this is why........

Why do we need to wash our hands? Well keeping your hands clean is the best way to avoid getting sick and spreading germs that have taken over your hands to other. Many conditions and diseases are spread by if you don’t wash your hands with soap and clean water, it will get worse. This is the most important step that you can possibly take to avoid sickness. Washing your hands is the most bet why to stop germs from taking over, and from you spreading it. Learn how to wash your hands if you don’t know how to yet?

How do we/you wash your/our hands? Well I can tell you the 6 most important and best steps on how to wash your hands. So step 1, wet your hands with warm or even hot water only if you can handle it but don’t use hot water if you can’t so if you're 11 years old up then yes you can use hot water but if not then just use warm water okay. Step 2, the grab a soap any soap will do you don’t need those nice expensive ones because it will be a waste of time. So yep wash you hands with soap for 20-25 seconds. step 3, remember to scrub both side of your hands. Step 4, then rinse your hands thoroughly for 10-15 seconds tops. Step 5, then use a towel to turn off the faucet, particularly in a public bathroom. And last but not least then get a clean towel and dry your hand for about another 15-20 seconds.

Hi audience, how has your reading about my story above been? Was it interesting about the things that you haven’t known before? Well I have one more thing or things to tell you which is the habits and the most important things that you must know about washing hands. Which is......

Practicing good sanitation habits is how your hands are not clean and you have touched your or someone else’s face in public surfaces. Well you may be infecting yourself as well as other people around you because spreading germs and disease may recently survey while 92% of adults in the U.S claimed they regularly wash their hands after and before using the restroom (the toilet), but only 77% of people actually did and do. Colds and flues are one of the infections diarrhea are all known as touching and spread when you contact someone or something and then someone else touches it.

So this is a good point on washing your hands because now you know that if you don’t wash you hands you could have a chance of catching the cold, flu and you could possibly have a rheumatic fever if you don’t see a doctor as soon as you can. Keep yourself and those around you healthy by controlling the spread of germs as well as removing plain dirt, after playing outside, before cooking or touching food, after going to the toilet, after coughing and blowing your nose. All those little things are actually big things.

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