
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Testing for turbidity at omaru creek

Testing turbidity at omaru creek

I am going to find out about the turbidity, and how bad it is at omaru creek.

I am going to test this by getting 4 emptied jars and to fill it up with the culvert water, bridge water and the dam water .

The Resources and equipment that you will need is 4 jars, 2 or more buckets and string as well.

I predict that the catfish dies immediately and if you catch a catfish in the water, there is one step that you have to do and that is to never stick it back in the water alive you must kill it immediately.

I think this because catfish is a really dangerous fish, and it can come out of the water, and wriggles it self out of the water, and go somewhere else and eat more insects, and they can hold their breath longer than you can imagine.

Why I think this is embarrassing because our school has been played by people who think it is ok to chuck their clothing and rubbish in our creek but we are so lucky to have a rubbish catcher to catch all that rubbish in the culvert part.

Results of my tests

Sea Water
22,15 I think that because it is not really that clear and it has little bits in side of the jar.
Tap water
13 I only had a look because it looked so easy to look at instead of 23.
Omaru Creek water by culvert
I couldn’t think that the culvert water was the cleanest of them all.
Omaru Creek water by bridge
I could see a lot of the dam water but no numbers at all

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