On Wednesday morning room 14 and room 17 went to Youth Town and I think that was one of my first wonderful trips I had been to this term. Before we went, we all met in the hall just to see if everybody was there that day and to make sure that the mum’s and dad’s were there. We were talking about staying in your groups, listen to the leader and pay attention. When we finished doing our thing we got into our groups, we walked nicely in a perfect line to the bus just to see if we were the best school in the whole world. Then the bus left and took us to Youth town.
When we got to youth town we walk to this room inside and I was saying in my head 'I know this place I came here when I was six years old'. My friends did not believe me but when Sue said that she knew us when we were six or five year olds we used to use the toys and all the other things. We got split up I’m talking about youth town know OK, lets go back to what I was talking about.
So room seven teen got to go to the pool first and room fourteen got to go to play with the clay and make lots of different kinds of things. Lots of children made fishes, hearts, butterflies and all kinds of things. Before we started we had to see what will we do with the clay. We all got to do a practice on the piece of paper and all the peoples pictures came out beautiful of course.
We said thank you to Sue and Georgia and went back into the room for morning tea. When the other class came in we all ate together. When we finished we changed rotations, so room seventeen went to the clay and room fourteen went to the pool. First we had to go to the bathroom and change into our togs. It was only for the people who remembered to bring their togs and towel for swimming. When everyone got changed we went into the pool. After we had a swim we got changed back into our uniform. We got on the bus and went back to school and went back to normal.
1 comment:
hello lizara i realy like our blog it is cool keep up thr good work by christian
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