
Wednesday 4 April 2012

Camp Experience

On Wednesday guess what ’happened it was the year 5 and 6 camp. I was so excited because it was my first time going camp this year. 

When the other groups went to go and do their own activities we waited for them to go so we can start our activity.Then our group got to play our game and that first game was is rollerblading and also ping pong. When I finished rollerblading we swapped rotations just like when you change rotations in the classroom.

On Thursday my group got to do camp cooking. The girls got to go with Mrs Jarman and the boys got to go with fire rawin. While the boy were doing their own thing, the girls went to bake some nice cookies for morning tea. The first thing we had to do was washing our hands so germs don't spread around, when we finished washing our hands Mrs Jarman told us to get in groups of twos. When we got in groups of twos we had been given ingredients, a bowl, a spoon, a knife and a fork.

When it was the last day of camp my group had to get in line to do jump jam just to warm everybody up. Then all the teachers told us to get in your own group to have breakfast when we finished doing jump jam. My group had to line up so we can get some points,then Miss Garden told everybody that went camp to get their cups and bowls so they can put their breakfast in the bowl.

My group and the other groups got to go to swimarama. Then the camp groups had to stay with their camp teacher just in case they get lost. My group and the other camp groups was only allowed to swim half of the pool. When it was our turn to go on the hydroslide which was really cool and fun. Then it was time for lunch we got to have milk shakes, pizza bread and we also got to eat rolls.

Finally we went back to school and had a short meeting in the hall. Then we were allowed to go home. I really enjoy camp and I can't wait for next year!

1 comment:

Martha said...

It said like you were having a great time.

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