When it was lunch time we got changed into our clothing. Then we had to go to room eighteens class and sat down by these chairs that says 9,10 or 11 years old and that is where we sat. Mr Burt and Miss Garden walked us to the beach and that was where we were going to start so the 9 years old girls went first and then everybody else started following.
When we got up to the part when you see this white ground that is when we saw people telling us where to go so we can see the way the orange flags and some people were filming us going past so they could put it on the news at school. The wind was blowing my hair and it was kind of slowing me down and that was when this other girl went past me.
When I got up to Tamaki College I started jogging because there was nobody behind me and I was so tired. Then I saw our school I was so excited because it was so tiring and hard even though it was muddy. I noticed that I was the fouth girl out of the nine year olds, but my friend was the secound ond and her name is Kevine.
I felt felt so excited that I came fourth and I hope I do better next year and come second or third!
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