When I went back to room eight I got changed into my belly close like tutus and the t,shirts when I saw the siena hip hop they were going hard out and they were so,so amazing that they bley my head out. When it was the belly’s turn I went hard out so they could give us a great and amazing score for the belly people and the children that worked hard. Then it was the rappers turn to go on the stage and they were amazing and james was going hard out and they were blowing the judges heads off I think of course not like it will blow my head off.
When it was finished everyone had to go on stage one by one so we can bell all to gather in front of the people who watched us and they were proud of us I just know because the peoples mom was proud of their children. there was kapa haka people,junior people,sinea people, pa and ,jroe,shontae,jeanita vialen,belly miss wild,sinea people,modlesink,and thats is all the people that practice for a few weeks to perform one day like this day. Then e had to go home and come back to school at 6.pm to 7.pm and we finished at 8.30.pm.
When it was 6,pm at night I went to ofa's house to pick her up and then she got a ride with us to the school and will we my mum was waiting on the chairs and when me nad ofa said that we were see her on the stage for the performence she was waiting on the chairs for me and my friends so she could get it all on video. When it was our turn after the kapa haka people my mum went straight on to the stage and just thinking about nice thing so I don't get nervice to much. At the end of the performence when everyone got to do there performence the coachers and teahcers who torte us the dance got flowers and chocolate and that was the end of wendseday night.
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